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Sex & Relationships

Relationships are an important part of life. Find inspiring stories and expert advice on how to have a healthy relationship with yourself and others.

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3d ago

Dave and Lauren's ‘Love Is Blind’ fight sparks ethical questions about dating

Newly engaged couple Dave and Lauren clash over Lauren's dating history in the latest installment of episodes from Season 8.
David / Lauren.
David / Lauren.

Want to reunite with old friends? Tell us your story

TODAY with Jenna & Friends are looking for a group of girlfriends to reunite! Tell us more about your story below.
Laughing Lesbian Couple
Laughing Lesbian Couple
5d ago

Rihanna and A$AP Rocky’s relationship timeline

Rihanna and A$AP Rocky share their two kids, Riot and RZA, together.
Marvel Studios' "Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever" Premiere
Marvel Studios' "Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever" Premiere

When it comes to my 27-year marriage, it’s the little things that matter most

Experts agree that small “micromance” acts can go a long way.
Vintage wedding cake topper
Vintage wedding cake topper

Inside the growing industry of breakup businesses

As more Americans wait longer for marriage, a growing crop of breakup businesses has sprouted, offering to help manage the pain of heartbreak for a fee. 
Contemporary art collage. Portrait of young stylish couple. Man painted over with crayon. Breaking up, end of love. Concept of relationship, emotions, love, crisis, psychology, love.
Contemporary art collage. Portrait of young stylish couple. Man painted over with crayon. Breaking up, end of love. Concept of relationship, emotions, love, crisis, psychology, love.

They met during TODAY's speed dating event. A year later, they're going strong

“When the time was up and we had to move on to the next person, I was like ‘Oh, I don’t want to move on. I want to go back.'"

A woman went to Home Depot to find love — and it actually worked

Katelyn Ansari took a TikTok trend literally and it led to love.
Woman goes viral for meeting her boyfriend at a Home Depot
Woman goes viral for meeting her boyfriend at a Home Depot
11d ago

Gemini and Leo compatibility: What to know about the 2 signs coming together

Is it a relationship, or is it a party? When Leo and Gemini get together, it'll feel like the same thing.